Magnetic Coach's Board
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This magnetic Coach's Board is a cost effective way to help keep track of your shots while sighting in. It can be used by the athlete or by a coach to show where your grouping is at. It is also a big help to show athletes where they were hitting during competition as it is oversized and they can see where they hit at a glance and then they can adjust next time coming into the stadium.
On the front it has an oversized Biathlon Target with marks for the prone ring, you place the numbered magnets to show where the shots hit. On the back side there is a quick reference to show what some of the problems or errors might be based on the
grouping of the shots. The frame colors will vary.
Both sides are now more waterproof thanks to the recommendations of Mr Porter and Mr Grenier of Eagle Eyes Biathlon located in Anchorage AK

Reveiw of the Magnetic Coach's Board by Tom Grenier, he is the Program Coordinator for the Nordic Skiing Association of Anchorage’s Eagle Eyes Biathlon Program, an all-ages Biathlon instruction and race preparation program based out of the biathlon range in Anchorage’s Kincaid Park
"The Maverick Coaching Board embodies the spirit of the company’s design ethic. Rather than costing well more than $50 as most all other coaching boards do, the Maverick board aims to deliver the same functionality or better in a product priced at a fraction of that offered by others.
Biathlon coaching boards are clipboard sized pads with all-weather magnetic surfaces that have biathlon targets screened on them. Magnetic pins allow coaches to show athletes where their shots have hit on their targets by simply showing the board and pin placements. Ideally, these boards should be weather proof and the pins easily visible from ten meters or so away. It’s pretty easy to find these boards online for $75 dollars or more. Up here in the wilds of Alaska, it’s easy to find a variety of improvised boards coaches have made to beat the cost. I’ve made two for my daughter and I by cadavering grocery store dry erase boards and duct taping them to compartment clipboards. I lucked out and found some bulletin board magnets that work well for recording shots, but I’ve never been able to find replacements. To create a target silhouette I traced a baby formula can for the off-hand target and marked the prone ring with a target sticker. Depending on the quality of clipboard used, my homegrown boards ran about $20 or more to put together.
While lacking the home-grown funkiness, the Maverick coaching board beats my price point while offering additional features. The magnetic surface is backed on an extremely light weight rigid frame and features the standard target image with the Maverick logo featured at the top of the board. As it turns out, the logo is handy for instructional purposes like demonstrating sight movement from target to target or introductory lessons as simple as which target is alpha and which echo. On the back of the board is a shooting manual reprint of various impact patterns with explanations of their probable causes. Shots are marked on the magnet board by numbered repurposed bulletin board magnets that are actually pretty close to scale as .22 hits on the magnet board. Far and away, Maverick has beat my price point for putting together my coaching boards and come in far under the prices of the competition. If you’re not feeling crafty or can’t find materials, the Maverick Coaching Board is well worth the $15.
Unfortunately for our demo model, it arrived at the range just in time for one of the wettest Falls I’ve ever seen up here. The weather necessitated our holding several amazingly rainy and windy shooting sessions where keeping coaching equipment dry was a formidable, if not insurmountable challenge. Even though printed on what looked like waterproof stock, the screen on our Maverick board eventually lost the battle and disintegrated. One of our masters took home what was left of the board and replaced the damaged top sheet with another waterproof printing that seems a bit more durable. As is, the Maverick Coaching Board is a great choice for normal shooting conditions and wins the price point competition over other preassembled and homegrown coaching boards I’ve seen. "